Curricular Teaching


  • Introduction to non-invasive brain stimulation (Seminar; 1 SWS), Institute of Psychology, University Fribourg, Switzerland.


  • Introduction to non-invasive brain stimulation (Seminar; 1 SWS), Institute of Psychology, University Fribourg, Switzerland.


  • Einführung in die Transkranielle Hirnstimulation (Seminar; 1 SWS), Institute of Medical Psychology and Behavioral Neurobiology, University of Tübingen, Germany (Sommersemester 2018)
  • Introduction to non-invasive brain stimulation (Seminar; 1 SWS), Institute of Psychology, University Fribourg, Switzerland
  • Einführung in die Transkranielle Hirnstimulation (Seminar; 1 SWS), Institute of Medical Psychology and Behavioral Neurobiology, University of Tübingen, Germany (Wintersemester 2018)


  • Einführung in die Transkranielle Hirnstimulation (Seminar; 1 SWS), Institute of Medical Psychology and Behavioral Neurobiology, University of Tübingen, Germany (Sommersemester 2017)
  • Introduction to non-invasive brain stimulation (Seminar; 1 SWS), Institute of Psychology, University Fribourg, Switzerland
  • Einführung in die Transkranielle Hirnstimulation (Seminar; 1 SWS), Institute of Medical Psychology and Behavioral Neurobiology, University of Tübingen, Germany (Wintersemester 2017)


  • Introduction to non-invasive brain stimulation (Seminar; 1 SWS), Institute of Psychology, University Fribourg, Switzerland


  • GBM 12: Übung zur computergestützten Datenanalyse II (Vorlesung + Tutorien; 1 SWS), Institute of Psychology, University of Kiel, Germany (Sommersemester 2015)
  • GBM 4: Planung von Experimenten (Vorlesung; 2 SWS), Institute of Psychology, University of Kiel, Germany (Sommersemester 2015)
  • HBM 8: Grundlagenvertiefung Kognitive Neurowissenschaften (Seminar; 2 SWS), Institute of Psychology, University of Kiel, Germany (Sommersemester 2015)
  • Introduction to non-invasive brain stimulation (Seminar; 1 SWS), Institute of Psychology, University Fribourg, Switzerland
  • GBM 11: Übung zur computergestützten Datenanalyse II (Vorlesung + Tutorien; 1 SWS), Institute of Psychology, University of Kiel, Germany (Wintersemester 2015)
  • HBM 8: Grundlagenvertiefung Kognitive Neurowissenschaften (Seminar; 2 SWS), Institute of Psychology, University of Kiel, Germany (Wintersemester 2015)


  • GBM 12: Übung zur computergestützten Datenanalyse II (Vorlesung + Tutorien; 1 SWS), Institute of Psychology, University of Kiel, Germany (Sommersemester 2014)
  • GBM 4: Planung von Experimenten (Vorlesung; 2 SWS), Institute of Psychology, University of Kiel, Germany (Sommersemester 2014)
  • Introduction to non-invasive brain stimulation (Seminar; 1 SWS), Institute of Psychology, University Fribourg, Switzerland
  • GBM 11: Übung zur computergestützten Datenanalyse II (Vorlesung + Tutorien; 1 SWS), Institute of Psychology, University of Kiel, Germany (Wintersemester 2013-2014)
  • Lectures on TMS, TCS and their combination with EEG and MEG during the course ‘Current Advances in Neuroscience Techniques’ of the Master programme of Cognitive Neuroscience, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands

Teaching at Workshops / Summer Schools


  • 3-day workshop on Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: From Basics to Advanced Applications, Neuroimaging Center (NIC) , Universitätsmedizin der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany


  • Lecture at the Mini-Symposium on Brain Stimulation and Neuroimaging, University of Maastricht, The Netherlands
  • Lectures at the 7th Toolkit of Cognitive Neuroscience: Transcranial Brain Stimulation, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
  • 3-day workshop on Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: From Basics to Advanced Applications, Neuroimaging Center (NIC) , Universitätsmedizin der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany


  • 2-day workshop on Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, Institute of Psychology, University of Luxemburg, Luxemburg

  • Lectures at the 6th Toolkit of Cognitive Neuroscience: Transcranial Brain Stimulation, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
  • Lecture on ‘Brain state-dependent brain stimulation’ at the NTBS Winter School, Danish Center for Magnetic Resonance (DRCMR), Copenhagen University, Denmark
  • Lecture on ‘Transcranial brain stimulation and its combination with EEG/MEG’ at IMPRS NeuroCom summer school, MPI Leipzig, Germany
  • Lecture on ‘Principles of TMS-EEG’ at the PhD Course on Human Brain Stimulation, Danish Center for Magnetic Resonance (DRCMR), Copenhagen University, Denmark
  • Lectures on ‘TMS-EEG & TCS-EEG fundamentals’ and ‘TMS-EEG analysis’ at the Multimodal Neuroimaging, Danish Center for Magnetic Resonance (DRCMR), Copenhagen University, Denmark


  • Lecture on ‘Principles of TMS-EEG’ at the PhD Course on Human Brain Stimulation, Danish Center for Magnetic Resonance (DRCMR), Copenhagen University, Denmark


  • Coaching at the 4th Science Factory TMS-EEG Summer School, Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland


  • Lecture at the 3rd Toolkit of Cognitive Neuroscience: Transcranial Brain Stimulation, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands


  • Teaching at the 2nd Toolkit of Cognitive Neuroscience: Transcranial Brain Stimulation, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands


  • Organization of and teaching at the 1st Toolkit of Cognitive Neuroscience: Transcranial Brain Stimulation, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
  • Lectures on ‘TMS-EEG & TCS-EEG fundamentals’ and ‘TMS-EEG analysis’ at the Multimodal Neuroimaging, Danish Center for Magnetic Resonance (DRCMR), Copenhagen University, Denmark


  • Organisation of and teaching at the 2-day Workshop on Transcranial Brain Stimulation Techniques in Biological Psychology, Conference on Psychology and the Brain, Jena, Germany
  • Lectures during workshop on EEG-fMRI and TMS-EEG for PhD-students at the Danish Research Center for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (DRCMR), Copenhagen, Denmark


  • Lecture on TMS-EEG during workshop of the Richard-Jung-college of the German Neurological Society, Halle, Germany


  • Lectures and tutorials during workshop on EEG-fMRI for PhD-students at the Danish Research Center for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (DRCMR), Copenhagen, Denmark