Check out our new combined TACS-MEG paper, demonstarting that low-frequency oscillatory modulation of visual cortical excitability can phasically modulate the amplitude of visually induced gamma oscillations and impair perceptual performance

31 Dec 2018

Low-frequency alternating current stimulation rhythmically suppresses gamma-band oscillations and impairs perceptual performance

Check out our new combined TACS-MEG paper, demonstarting that low-frequency oscillatory modulation of visual cortical excitability can phasically modulate the amplitude of visually induced gamma oscillations and impair perceptual performance.

Herring JD, Esterer S, Marshall TR, Jensen O, Bergmann TO. (2018). Low-frequency alternating current stimulation rhythmically suppresses gamma-band oscillations and impairs perceptual performance. Neuroimage, doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.09.047.