During the 38th conference on “Psychology and the Brain”
I will chair a symposium on the use of transcranial brain stimulation techniques in biological psychology.
Speakers: Til Ole Bergmann (Nijmegen), Manuela Ruzzoli
(Barcelona), Daniela Balslev (Tübingen), Christoph Kaller (Freiburg),
Gesa Hartwigsen (Leipzig).
Please see abstracts for details.
Summary: Transcranial brain stimulation techniques such as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and
transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) are important tools to study causal structure-function relationships
beyond the correlational nature of functional neuroimaging. We will introduce a variety of techniques and experimental
approaches that can be used in biological psychology to tackle a wide range of research questions. Example studies will
be presented, ranging from basic neurophysiological research on neuronal oscillations and cortical excitability via
visual perception, proprioception and visuospatial attention to complex cognitive functions such as language processing
and planning. The symposium will complement a young scientists methods workshop on transcranial brain stimulation
techniques which will be held in the run-up to the conference.