To promote the use of transcranial brain stimulation techniques in biological psychology
I am organizing, in collaboration with
Gesa Hartwigsen,
young scientists workshop
in the run-up to the 38th conference on “Psychology and the Brain”
in Jena, Germany. Please see the preliminary programme
for more information and click here to register!
Abstract: Non-invasive brain stimulation techniques like transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and
transcranial direct/alternating current stimulation (tDCS/tACS) are an important approach in
cognitive neuroscience to investigate brain functions. The ability to experimentally manipulate
local neuronal activity before or during the performance of a certain cognitive task allows for the
investigation of causal structure-function relationships that go beyond the mere correlative
approach of neuroimaging and electrophysiology. The workshop addresses PhD students and
postdocs interested in learning how to use TMS/tDCS. In addition to talks providing the necessary
background knowledge about technical and physiological mechanisms as well as experimental
paradigms, practical demonstrations will allow participants to gather first hands-on experience
with the techniques.
Please also note the corresponding symposium during the conference itself!